Student Services
Student Services
Student learning needs are supported at Anola School with a variety of resources. All student needs are taken into account when classroom teachers plan their learning activities. For students with specialized learning needs, resource teachers team with classroom teachers to create programs and plans based on observations and assessments. The students of Anola School also benefit from the availability of the services of a divisional psychologist, social worker, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, and speech clinician. All of these specialists work collaboratively with teachers and parents to provide essential supports to our student population. If further supports are necessary, divisional and school based personnel team with outside agencies to develop programs and materials for at-risk students.
Reading Recovery
Reading Recovery is a short term intervention program for Grade One students who are at risk in beginning reading and writing skills. For thirty minutes each day, a student in the Reading Recovery program receives individual instruction from a trained Reading Recovery teacher. This instruction is based on individual strengths and needs. The goal of the Reading Recovery Program is to raise the child’s reading and writing proficiency, so that he/she may work independently within the classroom setting.
School counsellors provide education, guidance, and counselling to all students in the school through activities such as: direct instruction; guidance education; team teaching; group and individual counselling, and student support team planning.
The topics addressed by school counsellors are as varied as the students in the school. Generally, school guidance and counselling services are focused on three distinct areas, although these areas are frequently combined to create a meaningful context within student learning activities.
Personal/Social Development
This area focuses on self-knowledge, social skills, and safety issues that students face as they mature and become more independent. This area addresses common issues faced by all young people at each particular age and stage of development and maturity. Some specific topics in this area are:
friendships/relationships; anger/behaviour management; restitution; bullying/violence; self-knowledge and personal growth; personal safety; decision-making and the maturing mind; substance use; healthy lifestyles
Educational Development
The educational area of guidance and counselling services focuses on knowledge and skills that students require over time to become effective, independent learners within and beyond the school setting. Some specific topics in this area are: study skills; listening skills; time management
Career Development
Early career awareness outcomes emphasize decision making and the importance of work, both to oneself and to the community. This emphasis evolves into recognizing personal attributes and preferences through career exploration and career preparation in Senior Years. From Kindergarten to Grade 12, the focus of career development is on skill development rather than on specific career preparation. Some specific topics in this area are: course selections; educational planning; personal skills/interests and related careers
Talent Development
We strive to provide challenging learning opportunities for our students by recognizing individual talents, strengths, interests, abilities and learning styles. Advanced learners – students who can learn more deeply, move at a brisker pace or make greater connections – are given opportunities to develop their abilities and set appropriate learning goals for themselves. Our Student Services team members provide support and direction based on individual situations.